Barigifts products are printed on demand, and Barigifts will not accept any returns products in any cases. In this event, the product may be kept at customer’s disposal.
If your item is defective, you don't need to return the original item and we will resend you a replacement for free. Barigifts offers the last 30 days from the delivery date or 45 days from the order date for replacement requests and We do not allow modifications to replacement items. Production times and Shipping Times of replacement items is 15 - 25 business days. The refund process may take up to 7-10 days to get your money back into your account. Please also see our Refund policy detail here.
We understand that everyone makes mistakes (including us!). Please review your shipping information and check our size guides before submitting your order. After that, please also review your order in email confirmation to make sure that you checkout with the right item!
NOTE: Please keep in mind that purchasing means accepting all the terms mentioned above.